Welcome to The Web Site of The Minnetonka Game and Fish Club and The Minneapolis Rifle Club |
Minnetonka Game and Fish Club and The Minneapolis Rifle Club are private clubs for members and their invited guests. Please note, there is no on-site telephone at the range. |
- Minnetonka Game and Fish Club has been in operation since 1921 and has been located on it's current property since 1970.
- We are located in St. Francis, MN (Directions)
- Minnetonka Game and Fish Club is a shooting club with conservation as a secondary goal.
- Activities include trap, skeet, silhouette, bullseye pistol, action pistol, benchrest, deer rifle sight-in's, firearm safety, and etc...
- Minnetonka Game and Fish Club encourages family, youth and guest participation in shooting sports and safety programs.
- Membership Info
- There is no application on this web site!
- You must request the current application from the membership director. See our Membership Page for more details.
- See our Contact page for further contacts
November 1, 2024: Winter is coming..... to MGFC-MRC so
1. Shotgun is closed from Nov. 1 to April.
2. Snowplows have the right of way.
3. Place spools on edge to the perimeters of the lanes on the GP range
4. Leave target stands as you found them on the Benchrest range.
March 1, 2025:
3/1/2025 Smallbore SB
3/4/2025 Eve Air Gun SB
3/5/2025 Smallbore Eve SB
3/8/2025 NRA HP HP
3/9/2025 300 M Match HP
3/10/2025 Elk River HS BR Meeting 1700-2000
3/11/2025 Board Meeting CH 1900
3/11/2025 Eve Air Gun SB
3/12/2025 Smallbore Eve SB
3/13/2025 Elk River HS BR Meeting 1700-2000
3/15/2025 Smallbore SB
3/15/2025 Free Pistol SB
3/18/2025 Eve Air Gun SB
3/19/2025 Smallbore Eve SB
March 20, 2025:
3/22/2025 PTC Class CH 830-1300 GP4-1600
3/22/2025 NRA HP HP
3/25/2025 Eve Air Gun SB
3/26/2025 Ramsey Pact HS BR Meeting room
3/26/2025 Smallbore Eve SB
3/27/2025 Elk River HS BR Meeting 1700-2000
3/29/2025 Smallbore SB
3/31/2025 HS Trap Starts CH, Shotgun
March 22, 2025: Minnetonka Game and Fish Club is having a permit to carry class on Saturday March 22. This class is open to members and nonmembers. Cost is $55.00 and begins at
9:00, ending around 1:30 with shooting qualifications following. Coffee/pop/water is provided. For further information or to register, send an email to gr9training@yahoo.com